C e n t e r  f o r  I n t e r f a i t h  E n c o u n t e r

Father Trevor Miranda
Father Trevor Miranda


Message from Father Trevor to Malcolm & Mariani

Powerpoint slideshow on Fr. Trevor's award ceremony

A letter from Father Trevor - December 30th 2005

Brief info. on Marquette University's front page re. the Opus Prize ceremony: http://www.marquette.edu/

Other info re. the Opus Prize, the 3 prize winners of 2005, and Fr. Trevor's project REAP in/around Mumbai, India: Other info

Co-sponsors (through cash donations) of Fr. Trevor Miranda's trip to St. Cloud area: Department of Social Work (SCSU), Friends of St. Cloud Library, St. John's Boys Choir, St. Cloud Mission Office, St. John's Prep School, Clemens Chair (St. John's University)

Special thanks to:
Dr. Sandra Chesborough and Julie Cartwright (SCSU), Susan Roberts (Quinlivan & Hughes), Rosanne Fischer and Kateri Mancini (St. Cloud Mission Office), Frank C. Lee and Dennis Host (St. Cloud Times), Verne Oleksowicz and Karla Dahl (Great River Regional Library), Sr. Dorothy Manuel (St. Benedict's Monastery), Josie Stang (St. John's Prep School), and Dr. John Yoakam (College of St. Benedict), Don Wedll (Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe), Rashimah & Paul Warpeha (Onamia)

Fr. Trevor will be available for presentations and addresses for 60-90 minute sessions 3 times on any day Nov. 15-18 (Tues thro Friday). Those who have pledged donations to Trevor have been directed at Fr. Trevor's request to make their checks out to "UNIITE" which is a registered non-profit, and will be acting in St Cloud as his fiscal agent. We hope you have already mailed your check to UNIITE, P.O. Box 6162, St. Cloud, MN 56302-6162. Please make sure that you have "For Fr. Trevor Miranda's visit" written in the "memo" section of your check.

1) Mail in your check for $50 per session that has been scheduled.
2) Arrange for somebody to pick up and drop off Fr. Trevor from the address given above (Nazareth residence).

On the other hand, there may be some individuals who (or organizations which) may wish to co-sponsor Trevor's visit (as St. John's Boys Choir has, for example.) We welcome such people's donations, too, and will make sure that, like other timely donors and sponsors, their names will be listed as co-sponsors on any brochure/flier that will be passed around on 11/15 at ULCE (see below) or anywhere/anytime prior.

Please call or email us if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.

Mariani & Malcolm Nazareth,
Co-founding Directors, Center for Interfaith Encounter, St. Cloud, MN
Ph: 320/230-6669




Tuesday November 15, 2005    
9:45-10:30 am Rita Koll's Religious Education class which is currently addressing the "Mystery of Suffering and Evil" Cathedral High School
12:30-1:45 pm Students from the Department of Social Work, St. Cloud State University,
(open to all)
"How to REAP a Million: A Literacy Activist's Journey from Mumbai to Milwaukee"
Brown Hall Room 232
St. Cloud State University
5:30 - 8 pm Attending UNIITE's interfaith/intercultural celebration of UN's 60th birthday
(open to all)
ULCE church
Wednesday November 16, 2005    
10 - 12 am Praying with the students and presentation of his work in India St. John's Prep School
1 - 2:10 pm Dr. Dan Finn's class on Economic Thought and Religious Values Simons, Room 340
St. John's University
Evening Dinner engagement of Fr. Trevor with the founder of the Opus Prize Foundation,
Mr. Rauenhorst
out of town
Thursday November 17, 2005    
10:30 am - 12 pm Hosted by Friends of St. Cloud Library
(open to all)
Classroom B
Great River Regional Library




3 - 4:15 pm My work as an Indian Jesuit priest for justice and peace St. Scholastica Convent
1845 20th Ave SE, St. Cloud
Friday November 18, 2005    
10 - 11:15 am Co-sponsored by Multicultural Student Services, St. Cloud State University: "How to REAP a Million: A Literacy Activist's Journey from Mumbai to Milwaukee"
(open to all)
Atwood Little Theater
1:30 - 3:30 pm Multicultural eucharistic concelebration hosted by St. Cloud Mission Office St. Mary's Cathedral crypt
3:30 - 4:30 pm Steve Gottwalt's radio interview
with Fr. Trevor
Pastoral Center:
Office of Communications
Diocese of St. Cloud
Evening Dinner hosted by Susan Roberts to felicitate Fr. Trevor Susan Roberts' family residence
Saturday November 19, 2005    
1 - 4 pm Attending multicultural program with Mariani & Malcolm Nazareth Whitney Senior Center
5:30 - 8:30 pm Potluck RSVP dinner at the Nazareth residence; please call 230-6669 stating how many of you will be joining us and what covered dish and beverage you will be bringing to share (please note: Fr. Trevor eats no red meat); if you have chairs, please bring them along Malcolm & Mariani residence
819 14th St N St Cloud
Sunday November 20, 2005    
10 - 11 am Sunday morning eucharist
with Malcolm & Mariani
(open to all)
St. Mary's Community Catholic Church, Harding, MN
Monday November 21, 2005



9 am - 1 pm Visit to Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Mille Lacs Reservation and Government Center
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Visiting with the Warpehas Onamia
Tuesday November 22, 2005 Departure for Newark, NJ